The world we currently live in is not the same as it was say, 50 years ago, or even 10 years ago! The environment around us is constantly changing, whether we see it or not, between EMFs (electromagnetic fields), lead in our water supplies, and God knows what else, it is imperative we lighten the toxin burden our pets carry, especially when they are or were not on the best diet, and are on medications. It is also important to note that there are many types of toxicity, such as; energetic toxicity to humeral toxicity, to connective tissue toxicity, and of course, lymphatic toxicity. All of these will require a different way and level of detoxification. So, here are 5 important reasons why our pets need to detox: 1. Immune system health- Did you know that your pets’ immune system will be burdened, and thus not function the way it’s supposed to if your pets’ toxin levels are high? You might notice that in certain seasons every year your pet gets inflamed again, and has ‘allergies’, this is just a hindrance of the immune system, yes there are certain things like pollen that can exasperate the immune system, but the question really should be, “Why is my pet reacting to everything, and why is it this bad?’. If the immune system in hindered by a heavy toxin load, it can’t function optimally. Picture a donkey walking uphill, and now picture a donkey walking up hill with 10 bags of rocks strapped to it. The donkey walking uphill represent a ‘task’ or a hurdle for the immune system, for example, spring. Spring is a season where everyone’s immune system takes a hit, because it is a radical change of season in Canada, the ice and snow is melting, and things are warming up. Now, if you are carrying a high toxin load, that is the donkey walking uphill with all those heavy bags, it makes its job a lot harder, and this is where some people actually get sick, or become reactive to everything. The same goes for our pets. Once the toxin load gets lighter, and organ systems are corrected, your pets’ immune system will function like that free donkey. 2. G.I. health- Your pets’ G.I. system is a hollow space, which can be a breeding and hoarding ground for undigested food wastes, toxins, bacteria, parasites and even viruses. Often times I am found saying, ‘No gut, not pet!, it really is the center of our being, and theirs also. In fact, 70% of the immune system is in the gut! Homo exogenous toxins such as heavy metals can burden the gut by eroding the gut lining, hence causing leaky gut, also scarring important detoxing organs such as the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, which can cause symptoms such as pancreatitis, dysbiosis and other conditions as well. While doing a detox regimen, or even before, I always make sure the gut is stabilized, so it can handle detoxification. 3. Organ health- There is a staggering line of evidence that shows that North Americans have one of the highest percentage of NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) in the world! And you guessed it, so do our pets! But why? What is surfacing in our environment that is causing this? What is our pet foods sprayed with? What is used here that is banned in other places in the world like Europe? One word- Pesticides! Pesticides, such as the ones routinely used on our pets (more on that later), and glyphosate that are sprayed liberally on our crops, are corrupting our metabolic system that directly affects and attacks the liver and kidneys. These types of toxins can actually get inside of the cell, hijacking the cell and destroying the mitochondria! This is one of the reasons we have more energy after a detox, and become sluggish when our bodies are burdened. If you think pesticide exposure is no big deal, let me just remind you of what your liver is responsible for: -Anti-microbial protein production -Clotting factor production -Complement protein production -Lipid metabolisms -Antigen presentation -Album production -Glycogen storage -Cholesterol metabolism -Endotoxin removal -Acute phase response -Detoxification Just to name a few! There are some doctors that actually say the liver makes up 60% of the immune system. When pesticides like glyphosate poison the liver, the immune system is dead! Now, when you pets’ bodies are so taxed that their immune systems are totally shot, to add insult to injury, everything gets labeled and diagnosed with ‘allergies’, and they are prescribed a medication that suppresses the immune system. I have found this to be very bothersome, and so, my mission to educate pet guardians continues until there is that ‘Aha’ moment. 4. Medications & vaccines- These are exogenous toxins your pets are exposed to yearly and even seasonally. Perhaps you are surprised I am brining this up, or perhaps not, but it is a fact that flea and tick medications are pesticides, and it is a fact that it is so toxic, in fact, that even YOU as the handler have to use gloves when handling this type of medication. If you come in direct contact with it, your next call should be poison control, and you yourself should go on an extensive cleanse/detox protocol. So, the question becomes, how is this affecting our pets? The answer- big time. Exposure to these types of toxins is very different, and can be a direct cause of auto-immune diseases, seizures, and so much more. All vaccines have mercury in it, labeled medically as Thimerosal, it is a mercury-based preservative in vaccines. Mercury is a heavy metal and classed as an exogenous toxin (meaning coming from outside-in). Limit over vaccinating, any good vet will or should tell you that, also not a terrible idea to set your pet up with success by doing a detox before and after a vaccine administration. As for the flea and tick medications, why risk your pets’ health when there are so many natural alternatives to choose from that won’t harm your pets’ metabolic system? Contact us to learn more about safe and effective flea and tick preventatives. 5. Hormone & genome health- The body is basically made up of hormones and proteins, DNA and RNA. Hormones basically tell the body what to do, and what genes to turn on and what genes to turn off. When the body is toxic, it can impair and even mimic certain hormones (such as estrogen), and when this gets uncontrollably high, it can lead to auto immune diseases. One way for the body to trap toxins is by encapsulating it, and you will find this in the form of ‘fatty lumps’ and even cysts. Recycled proteins and toxins that the body is unable to catabolize will end up being a ‘part of the body’ in this way. Faulty genetic copying of RNA and DNA can lead to cancer in the worst and extreme case. Personal experience has taught that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and the sooner we can mitigate the toxic load on our pets, chances would be higher of preventing disease and adding back life to years. Where to begin? Begin by not exposing your pets to unnecessary toxins, including pesticides, heavy metals, and be mindful of the chemicals used in the home. Offer filtered (but not alkaline) water, and a fresh, whole food diet that is free of any round up like glyphosate. Offer botanicals and herbs once in a while such as milk thistle, dandelion and nettle. We love supplements like NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) because it is extremely effective in detoxing the major organ extremities, such as liver, kidneys and lungs, and is highly effective in detoxing heavy metals from the body as well, and is a precursor to glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant. It is even used as a treatment in European hospitals in cases of acute poisoning! Contact us to learn more or to book a consultation for your pet(s).
AuthorLucy is an avid pet mom; with dogs, cats, goats and horses to keep her busy! All of her pet 'kids' are fed a species appropriate diet with proper supplementation so she can watch them thrive. Her expertise and experience lie in nutraceutical supplementation and is a health advocate for proper diet and nutrition. Her other passions in life are schutzhund and equestrian riding. Archives
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