Feed them like one: Sometimes when I introduce people to nutritious types (or parts) of food I hear things like “Ew! I would never eat that-gross!”, well, what might be gross for you is probably the very thing that will save your pets life. We need to start thinking less like humans and more like carnivores, remember, they were meant and designed to consume things like chicken or duck feet, beef trachea, heart, liver, etc. These foods have very high bioavailable nutritious factors that will help support their immune health, dental health, joint mobility, cardiovascular system, just to name a few… So, start thinking like a carnivore next time your out shopping for your pet’s food! Treat them like one: This point is more specific to dogs, which are pack animals and need a hierarchy in place as mentioned in the last post. Dogs don’t need a ‘mommy’, they need a strong independent confident leader, who of course loves them. Many times, I see a lot of spoiled dogs who are actually quite aggressive and when I turn to see who their owners are, they are most likely the ‘coddlers’, lacking the leadership they’re pack needs because they are too busy being the ‘mommy’- baby talk and all... …If you have ever watched a documentary on wolves you will actually see how tough the female wolf is with her pups, she does no think twice about disciplining when the pups do something wrong, she will grab them by the scruff and shake. That is her way of communication to her pups as if to say “Not cool and don’t try it again”, and the pups will learn immediately because they understand, that way of communication is very clear to them, our equivalent of “Go to your room and think about what you’ve done!”. Dogs also need their own space and their own bed, if you share your bed with your dog(s) you are basically telling them that they are your equal. Be consistent with your leadership both housebound and out, and you will watch your relationship with your dog(s) thrive.
AuthorLucy is an avid pet mom; with dogs, cats, goats and horses to keep her busy! All of her pet 'kids' are fed a species appropriate diet with proper supplementation so she can watch them thrive. Her expertise and experience lie in nutraceutical supplementation and is a health advocate for proper diet and nutrition. Her other passions in life are schutzhund and equestrian riding. Archives
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