Did you know that the ingredients your pet eats "speak" to your pet's body at the cellular level?
The pet industry is the only industry I know of where it is frowned upon by medical professionals to feed whole fresh foods to pets, and only encouraged to feed packaged and processed foods... ...However, the University of Chicago and other international institutions found that "Humans and domestic dogs share an extensive parallel genomic evolution, particularly in genes associated with digestion and metabolism, neurological processes and diseases such as cancer. According to the researchers, these genes have likely evolved in parallel due to the close living environment shared by humans and dogs for many thousands of years, including scavenging for food together. (Lee, 2013; Wang et al.,2013) "This is exciting news (but probably not surprising to those of us who feel deeply connected to our dogs!) because it means both species can benefit from much of the same new scientific information regarding the best way to eat for optimum cellular health." -Dr. W. Jean Dodds. My whole theme for showing people 'What I eat/ what they eat', is that if I choose to eat whole fresh unprocessed 'real' foods that you can literally pin point and see every ingredient, is it that far fetched that I want to feed my pets a very well balanced diet using fresh whole foods as ingredients? Something to think about.
My 2- ingredient summer treats are super easy to make and at the same time replenish and soothe your pet on those extra hot days. I made sure to pack these treats with nutrition of course and make it super easy for your pet to digest. You will need a mold of some kind to pour in the mixture.
I start out by pureeing my berry mixture, I normally use organic frozen blueberries, raspberries and blackberries (not strawberries) with a little bit of water. I spoon my berry mixture in the center of my molds. On top I pour over some raw goat milk (if you do not have access to raw goat milk you can use either kefir or water down some organic plain yogurt) and use that instead to pour on top. Remember, we want this to be easily digested, and regular pasteurized milk is harder for your cat or dog to break down because they do not produce sufficient amounts of lactase (enzyme used to break down lactose from dairy). Pop your mold into the freezer for a few hours and you will have delicious and nutritious human-grade treats for your pets that is full of antioxidants, anthocyanins, vitamins, minerals and probiotics to replenish the gut and boost their immune system. When feeding to cats break up the treats into smaller bite size pieces. This is also great for teething puppies to soothe their gums while giving them something yummy to chew on. 'BONE' appetite! I have always found it a little comical when people ask me “What are you planning on doing with your Psychology degree? Are you planning on becoming a therapist?”, because well, reality is that psychology is involved in everything, and I do mean everything! There is psychology in money, there is psychology in marketing, there is even psychology in eating, and I have found this out personally myself that there is psychology in getting over a loss, letting go and moving on.
As pet owners or previous pet owners, you all know about the love that one has for their pet. They become like family. Now I’m the type of person where when something negative happens I ask the ‘why’s’ as in, ‘Why did this happen?!’, which is a masculine trait, I use my head because my heart is busy mending. I have learned that the key to truly moving on is to ditch the ‘why’s’ and to just feel. When I feel like I am missing someone or something, like a beloved pet, whether alive or not, I give in to that feeling, I miss them uncontrollably, send them love, and move on. This exercise might take numerous times in one day or even in one hour, but then as time moves us on as it naturally does, the frequency will be less and less. To this day I miss what I have lost, and that is okay, because when that overwhelming feeling washes over me, I give in, I miss them, I send them love (alive or not), and I move on. I’ve realised that the ‘whys’ will never bring closure, will never bring back what I had lost, in fact it would only make me sad. It does not matter how many times I go through it, it always feels like the first. The sting never gets dull, the heart, as many times it was broken, breaks again. I also know people who have had a loss for over 10 years and still talk about it like it happened yesterday. Truly moving on isn’t about thinking, its about feeling, and choosing to feel and give love again versus anything else will be the greatest gift you can give to yourself, and believe it or not, will help you move on, not forget, but to truly move on. |
AuthorLucy is an avid pet mom; with dogs, cats, goats and horses to keep her busy! All of her pet 'kids' are fed a species appropriate diet with proper supplementation so she can watch them thrive. Her expertise and experience lie in nutraceutical supplementation and is a health advocate for proper diet and nutrition. Her other passions in life are schutzhund and equestrian riding. Archives
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